true life
today he be the shooter
tomorrow he be the shot
he try to be a girl but that may be one nick he not
you got a knack for nicks, someone he befriended last week said to him
the someone is kim
kim see me shed
kim figured me to be the same person
he said you can always tell an old persona from a new one
because in the space of three away when an old profile goes and a new one comes, conservation is the rule, according to kim
conservation is the conservation of identity
the space of three away is friendster space
myspace is different
in myspace there is no end to friends
kim he be an analysthe write a screen scraper that breaks the chain of friends by removing the collectors and the fakesters and the myspace whores and all the public displays of connection
what he got left is three away
three away is not myspace anymore
kim calls three away true life
he watch me in true life
and see me shedding
The vocabulary here comes from the ear of danah boyd figuratively speaking. It's a good ear in my estimation -- one worth being sampled.
More specifically, I picked up many of my words from Friends, friendsters and top 8: writing community into being on social network sites. This essay appeared in the December 2006 edition of First Monday.
I also listen at the source. The source is See me, touch me, feel me, heal me. "See me, touch me, feel me, heal me" is a call from MySpace. This call was first made by The Who.
Technorati Tags: Friendster, MySpace, nick
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